I'd say the results speak for themselves, just look at that sorry sack of man-lump on the left. All it took was some good old fashioned elbow grease... and half a cup of olive oil, some carefully placed lighting, a rolled up ball of socks, a well-timed flex/smile, oh, and about 30 minutes of awkwardly taking photos of myself before my roommates got home. Surprise: the two pictures were taken the same day, aaand I actually did a pretty shitty job. If somebody wanted to, they could make the two photos look significantly different. The point here is, not every body transformation you see is actually as impressive as they look. If you're trying to improve your fitness level and self-image, it's not always as simple as the photos make it look. You've gotta keep at it over an extended period if you want to make some noticeable improvements. Most people don't give their body enough time to see the benefits, or make a half-assed attempt, expecting to see at least some results, which just ends up being discouraging when it doesn't happen. Use that whole ass, asshole!