Tuesday 24 February 2015

New Challenge - Flair Bartending

Oh, hey there. Welcome back, friend. It's been too long. Almost a whole year, actually, but who's counting, right? What I'd like to say is (mostly to myself, but also to you, dear reader, whom I can only discern as being deeply dismayed at my disturbing disappearance), well... I'm no good at this stuff, but I am great at being excessively dramatic.

Now, you probably aren't here to pat me on the back and hand me a hanky, and we're all about effective use of time, so let us get to it. 'It', being one of the things most likely to get the person in front of you gooned, just somewhere between 'being exceptionally attractive', and 'shouting "JAGERBOMBS, BRAH!"'- it's Bartending; and because nobody comes to the internet to see you talk about perfecting your Old Fashioned for a month, we'll focus specifically on the exciting world of flair bartending. I hear you uncultured swine out there. What is this Flar Beartending thing? Well, I'll tell you! Bartending, as I'm sure you already know, is the job bestowed upon a bartender to serve their customers that sweet sweet nectar we as a society have grown to love: Alcohol. The flair is the style, the flash, the razzle-dazzle that you all would love to see me attempt and fail miserably. Taking on the month's challenge means knowing and appreciating both parts of that delicious recipe.